10 Years of Friendship Funny Quotes and Messages

The best thing about having a best friend is that you can always count on them, no matter what. You know that they will always be there for you, whether you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to laugh with. Best friends are the people in your life that you can always count on, no matter what. They are the ones who make you laugh when you’re feeling down and are always there to lend a helping hand. To celebrate your best friend, we’ve compiled a list of 10 years of friendship quotes and messages. These quotes capture the true essence of what it means to be best friends.

10 Years of Friendship Funny Quotes

  • I can’t believe it has been 10 years since we met! I have laughed with you, cried with you and taken a journey of a lifetime. Thank you for sharing this time with me, growing up with me and for laughing at my silly jokes. The trials we have faced, all the memories we have made, nothing in this world compares to our friendship. I will laugh at your immature jokes until the end of time!
  • Thank you for being my friend. You have been a good, loyal and trustworthy friend for all these years. You knew what you were doing when you invited me to that party 10 years ago. What a great choice it was! I can’t wait to spend the next 10 with you as well, because we make the ‘Best Duos’!
  • HBD to my BFF! It’s been a pleasure sharing laughs, insanity, and wisdom with you the past 10 years. Friendships are made for the long haul, and I’m so glad it’s been you by my side.
  • It’s been a great decade of friendship and I love you guys like family. I’m so glad we met all those years ago now that I look back. Let’s make this the best year yet!
  • My best friend since 2nd grade. Ten years later we get to ride this journey together as best friends and share the ups and downs of life. Love you, Libby!
  • I couldn’t see anything past my nose that day, and when I did see, you were right there. I never could have imagined, that this is where we would be today. Ten years together is still so new to both of us. You’ve taken me on the most exciting roller coaster ride a girl could ask for. Thank you for never letting go, because if you had, I never would have made it.
  • We met in 8th grade and I’ve had a crush on you since that very moment. The years of friendship have passed so quickly, more than I ever expected them to. I keep thinking that maybe we crossed paths for just a moment, just so that we could have this lifetime of memories. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and partner for all these years. You truly are special to me and there is no one else like you.
  •  10 years of friendship just doesn’t seem long enough, but we are the best of friends and have come a long way. There will never be another friendship like ours in my life, you are my soul mate, my sidekick and my mirror image all in one.
  •  My sister is my friend. I wish I had 1000; but you’re my very best. So here’s to the years we know, to the times we fought, and the memories we made. And here’s to many more years of being sisters and friends! I love you sissy!
  •  I wish I never had to spend another day without you here with me. To wake up in the morning and see your face is worth all that we have been through in the past decade. All the pain, drama, the ups and downs pale in comparison to your beautiful heart and soul. You are my best friend – the person who I love most in the whole world!
  •  Your friendship has enriched my life in more ways than I could possibly count. You’ve not only become one of my best friends, but one of the most important people in my life and a true source of joy. Thank you for everything you have done for me.”
  •  My best friend … I love you ….
  •  I used to think our friendship was like a cup of tea. Perfectly fine, warm and soft. Now I realize our friendship is like a beautiful painting, my favorite on the wall.
  •  We have been friends for 10 years, is amazing! But inside this friendship exist about 80,000 hours of laughter, 10,000 hours of tears, and 100 sleepless nights. Now we are facing the most important battles: staying together, or breaking up!…
  • I love the way you look at me, your eyes slide across my face and set something on fire in my heart. I have spent a decade dreaming about that kiss that I have longed for so very much. Here’s to many more years of friendship nerd!
  •  My love for you can fill an ocean. You are such a beautiful soul. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. We have been through so much on our journey together, it is amazing how far we have come. I cherish every memory we made, every single laugh and smile, every tear and argument and smile even more. You are a blessing!
  •  I want to thank you for being a great friend and being there through thick and thin. Over the years we have had so many fights and so many laughs, but I know it would never be the same if you weren’t by my side. I will always be here for you whether it be in death or in life!
  •  A friendship will not be a friendship without trust, respect and love. But, when a true friend is in need you always stand help. I’m grateful for our friendship that has been so constant through the years. I hope we are together for many more.”
  •  One day I was 10 and the next day you were there!
  •  People come in and out of our lives everyday. When I met you I knew we would be best friends. We had so much in common, we made each other laugh and we were there for each other. You truly are my best friend and I will always love you for that. Happy 10 years!
  •  You’ve been my best friend for the past 10 years and I love you for it. You have made my life so amazing with your laugh, your kind words, and your encouragement. Thank you for always being there to listen when I needed someone the most. I’m grateful to have you in my life, and I will try my best to return the favor.
  •  10 years of friendship is excellent for a friendship but terrible for a relationship.’’
  •  We have been friends for a decade A decade of laughter and tears A decade of goodbyes and hellos.
  •  Wow, ten years already! We’ve been through it all and you are still the same old friend I met back in college. Our silly jokes, our inside jokes, and our inside bets will forever be a part of me. I love you like a brother man!
  •  If life is a journey, then you are my best travel mate! Throughout the years we have shared so many unforgettable moments, along with some silly fun. I hope that we can create more fun memories in the future and continue to grow together as life partners. I love you Michelle!
  •  I can’t believe I finally found you. You are my sun. You are my stars. You are the one that I will always love. You are truly my soul mate and I can’t wait to spend forever with you.
  •  I’ve been waiting all morning to tell you how much I love you and how grateful I am for our friendship. It’s hard to believe that we have been friends for over 10 years now.
  •  In the last decade, our friendship has taught me more than any class ever could. Thanks for all of the laughs, tears, and memories we have shared together. I’m proud to call you friend and look forward to many more years of memories! You are my best friend and I love you so much!
  •  10 years ago today I said yes! You have been my greatest blessing. You are the center of my universe. Many tears have been shed with you but even more have been filled with happiness. Thank you for bringing so much light to my life.”
  •  I think all our friends know how much I love you. I wish I could freeze time and keep you right here for another 10 years… but every year you seem more amazing.
  •  It has been a long ten years but I have had so much fun along the way. I look forward to the next ten.
  •  My best friend means the world to me. We have been through the hardest of times, and the happiest of times. We’ve felt every emotion together and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Our love has grown through the years and I am happy that you found me in this crazy world.
  •  I have benefited from our friendship harder than any other relationship I’ve had in my life. You have helped me to become a better person, to become strong enough to change and grow, and passionate enough to want to keep doing so every day. Thank you for existing. I’m glad we found each other. Your friendship is very important to me. You are one of my greatest blessings and I truly love you.

10 Years of Friendship Funny Messages

  • With this little note I want you to know that today is February 12th, and it’s a special day. Today marks the day that we became friends! 10 years ago. We’ve been through so much together and I wouldn’t have made it without you. You are amazing and will always be my best friend. I love you more then anything in the world!
  •  My favorite place in the world is next to you. I love you and can’t wait to celebrate another 10 years!
  •  Our friendship has stood the test of time, and I’m happier than ever to still have you in my life. Thank you for always being there and giving me your ear when I need to talk. You mean so much to me and I love you so much that sometimes it hurts!
  •  Hi baby, I want to tell you how much you mean to me, in just one simple card. We’ve spent 10 years together, the rest of my life will be with you!
  •  You have always been the most beautiful person in my eyes. I’ve grown to love you even more as the years go by. Every moment with you is a joy that I want to last forever, every kiss leaves me wanting another. I can’t wait to see what the future brings us together. I love you, my old friend.
  •  My feelings for you are as endless as the universe today. I hope we can just keep going and growing together with our love. Nothing feels better than being by your side. I love you more than words could ever try to express!
  • We’ve been friends for 10 years, and every second has been awesome. I am so grateful that God brought us together. You are my best friend, my partner in crime and laughter. Thank you for always making me smile!
  • I’ve been your friend for a decade now, and you are the most amazing person I have met. I couldn’t ask for a better friend, one with more love or warmth. I wish you a life full of smiles, happiness and laughter, we have had so many memories together that it is hard to pick just one. I’m glad you entered my life.
  • You’re woven into my life. Hands intertwined, hearts entwined, souls knitted…We’ve built bonds that will last throughout the years. I know we’ll always be best friends and I can’t wait to see what our next decade brings.
  • My girlfriend is the one who makes me laugh when I don’t want to smile, makes my tears go away when I feel like crying and makes the sun shine again. I love you so much!
  • Friendship is just like a bank account. You can’t continue to draw on it unless you continue to deposit to it.


When two friends celebrate 10 years of friendship, it is a cause for much laughter and celebration. Over the years, these two friends have shared many funny moments and memories that they will always cherish. To commemorate this milestone, they may exchange funny quotes and messages that perfectly capture the spirit of their friendship. 
