26th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Parents

It is said that the best way to show your parents how much you care is by celebrating their wedding anniversary. So, if your parents are celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary, make sure to send them the best wishes. Here are some of the best 26th wedding anniversary wishes for parents that you can send to them on their special day. It is a very special occasion when your parents celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary. This is a time to show your parents how much you love and appreciate them. There are many ways to do this, but one of the best ways is to send them a beautiful card with heartfelt 26th wedding anniversary wishes for parents.

Your parents have been through a lot together, and they have stuck by each other through thick and thin. They are an amazing example of true love, and you are so lucky to have them as your parents. On this special day, take a moment to tell them how much they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them in your life.

26th Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Mom and Dad

  • Happy 26th Anniversary to my parents, whose love gave me life, who nurtured me with their loving care. I know how hard it was to raise kids in the 80’s and 90’s. You’ve always given us your best and worked your hardest. We may not say it often enough, but I hope you know we cherish everything you do. Many years of happiness to you both!
  • On this day 22 years ago, you both stood before God and your family and promised to love each other. Today as we celebrate your 26th wedding anniversary I want you to know that I am proud of the example you have set for your children and grandchildren. Having you as parents has been a blessing and we love you so much!
  • I never thought I could love anyone so much. Looking back at our life together, it’s just incredible all that you have done for me. Today, I want to thank you for being the perfect parent every step of the way. You have inspired me time and time again. You are my best friend, my rock, my world. Happy anniversary mommy!
  • I remember when you were just dating mom, and I could barely stand the thought of you being in her life. I was so young, but I knew that she was special to you. Over the years your love for one another only grew, and now that she is my mother, you are my father. Happy wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad
  • My parents have been married for 26 years and they still love each other more than ever. I think we take marriage for granted sometimes and we don’t appreciate our parents and their sacrifices enough. It takes a lot of work and dedication and it’s not easy! We all owe them big, big thanks. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • You are the best parents to have. From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know how thankful I am for being so wonderful. I love you dad, thank you for everything. And you mom, thank you for being so wonderful, thank you for everything!
  • Thank you for being there for me all these years. Thank you for giving me an example to follow as a mother. Thank you for being my best friend, my wise counsel and my unconditional love. I love you both so much! Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • Today marks your 26th wedding anniversary and I thought of you. I’m so proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. You both deserve this day and many more to come ahead. So, as we toast with champagne and cake, just remember that I love you more than words can say! from your son.
  • You were the best parents and grandparents anyone could ever ask for. You brought joy and laughter into so many lives and supported me through it all. I was so proud to call you my parents, and you always will be. It is hard for words for me to describe how much I loved you guys. My love for you always! Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • My parents have been together for 26 years. They have been my rock since I was born. They have taught me about life, love and what is truly important. I wanted to tell them how much they mean to me, so I wrote an anniversary poem for my mom and dad. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • I couldn’t ask for better parents. You always encouraged me to reach for the stars and to work hard in school. As an adult I still look up to you and hope one day I can be half the parents you were. You showed me that things come in time and that good things take time and effort, sometimes there is pain and hurt along with it, but in the end we all grow from the experience. Thank you for everything.
  • You’re my heroes, you protect me and guide me through life until my feet were on solid ground. You’re like two trees that I lean on for support! You show me what true love really is and you give my life support and comfortability. I am so lucky to have such a loving mom and dad. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • It’s hard to believe that almost 3 decades ago I was sitting in the audience watching you two get married. Now here we are on your 26th anniversary I am offering my most heartfelt wish not only for your happiness but also many more wonderful years together. Congratulations Mom and Dad, you really deserve it.
  • We have been married for 26 years and I still can’t believe my luck in having you as my mom. You are both kind and generous and I love you for that. I know we haven’t always gotten along but our relationship has grown much stronger over the years, and I know we will continue to be there for each other for many more years to come.
  • I’m not sure how it all came together so perfectly, but I am so glad it did. You two are the best mom and dad anyone could ever ask for. You have sacrificed so much of your time and energy on raising us, on being there for us, on being our first everything. I know you have always wanted to do what you can to make us happy. Without you two I would be nothing!
  • Still the same after all these years. You are still here for me, you are still smiling and cheerful, you are still optimistic. You still care for me dearly, you are still my life’s light, you are still making everyone happy. I love you more each day with no regrets. I am proud to call myself your daughter.
  • Today marks twenty-six years of marriage for you two! Twenty-six years filled with love, happiness, and adventure. You have taught me so much about being a good person and instilled in me a faith in marriage, faith in a love that is unconditional. It’s a faith I hope to find one day with a man who can match your love for each other.
  • To my parents: Having you as parents was not always easy but it was always worth it. I will always love and respect you and I hope one day I can be as loving and honest as you both have been to me over the years. I hope that we can remain close as we age and that our relationship will continue to blossom as we get older. Happy 26th Anniversary mom and dad!
  • I am so thankful for both of you. I love you so much. No matter what, you will always have three things in your life to be grateful for your daughter, your grandson, and me. I’m so lucky to have parents as great as you! Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • I have grown into the woman I am today because of your guidance, encouragement, and love. I feel so blessed to have you both as my parents. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made, countless memories we have shared, and all of the joy you have brought throughout my life. I love you both so much!
  • My dearest parents, to say that I love you is the greatest understatement in the world. You are both my absolute heroes! You gave me everything I needed to create my own happy family. You showed me unconditional love and let me fly when I needed to spread my wings. It has truly been an honor to know you both, to be your daughter.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I know it doesn’t seem like it sometimes but you are my role models. You always wanted the best for me and spend every day making sure that it happened. You showed me what kindness looks like and that love is infinite. It means so much to me that out of all the life choices you had made, you choose to love each other unconditionally. That is an example to live by; how to love someone not matter what they do or say. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • I love you both so very much. It is hard to imagine half of my life has been spent with you! I have gained so much from being your daughter. You have taught me how to be a loving person, kind and thoughtful, thoughtful, loving and empathetic person. A good listener and a good friend. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a mom and dad that love me so much. Thank you for all that you do, for everything you have given me, and everything you taught me. Your love has made my life possible. I love you both more than the stars in the sky. Thanks for being there for me, supporting me, and always being there when I need you. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • I remember when I was a little girl watching you two be so in love. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other and look at us now, so in love and I love seeing you two still going strong after 26 years of marriage, especially because my own marriage didn’t last longer than what it did. So, before the big day hits, I just wanted to say how much I love you, dad.
  • I thank God every day for giving me you. You are the most amazing parents that any child could have ever asked for. I’m grateful to have you both in my life. It’s hard to believe that 26 long years have passed since you were married. Here’s hoping for another 26 years or more of happy memories!
  • I can’t imagine how different my life would be without both of you! Thank you for showing me what love is, for inspiring me to choose to follow my dreams. You are my heroes, and I love you both more than words could ever say.
  • A new day dawns with a new chapter of life. Making memories, creating love, being there. We have lived through years that have seen our share of joy and tears. Our family is strong because of you both. You are treasured above all else. I don’t know how long the coming years will last but I’m grateful for all you have meant to me so far. May God bless your marriage every day of the year!
  • I am so blessed to have you both in my life, to have been given the chance to be your child. I wish I could fully express my gratitude for all the sacrifices you have made for me over the years, for how hard you worked so that I could have a better life, and all of the love and support you gave me. Thank you is a simple word, but it doesn’t begin to express my feelings. I am so grateful to have your loving presence in my life. Happy 26th Anniversary!
  • My father/mother you are one of the most amazing people I have ever known. You are thoughtful, caring, loving, incredibly patient and unbelievably strong. You are my hero! Happy 26th Anniversary to the most important man in my life. I love you with all my heart!
  • Your marriage is something I have always looked up to throughout my life. It showed me what true love really looks like. Not many people are able to dedicate their lives to one another, but you two have proven that it can be done. You were both committed to the love you had for each other then, and now 26 years later that love still shines through all of your actions. I look up to my parents because they never lost sight of what is most important in this world.


It is said that parents are a child’s first teacher. They are the ones who nurture and care for their children from the moment they are born. As such, it is only fitting that we celebrate and shower them with love on their special day. The 26th wedding anniversary is a significant milestone for any couple. It is a time to reflect on the past and to look forward to the future. For parents, it is a time to celebrate their love and commitment to each other.

There are many ways to show your parents how much you love and appreciate them on their anniversary. You can write them a heartfelt letter, cook their favorite meal, or give them a gift that captures their love for each other.
