I Love You Forever and Ever Quotes and Message for Him or Her

ove is the most beautiful thing in the world. And when you find that special someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, it’s important to let them know just how much you love them. One way to do that is by finding the perfect quote that expresses your feelings. And if you’re looking for I Love You Forever and Ever Quotes and Message for Him or Her, then you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve gathered some of the most beautiful, heartwarming, and romantic quotes about love that you can use to express your feelings to your significant other. So whether you’re looking for a short and sweet message, or something a little longer, you’re sure to find the perfect quote here.

I Love You Forever and Ever Quotes and Message for Him or Her

  • The love that we share is unbreakable and it will be forever. You are my whole heart, and I promise to never break it. I love you more every day.
  • I will love you till death do us part, and even after. I’ll repair the cracks in your heart by loving you with all my heart.
  • I love you more than poem could ever say. And when I am away from you all I do is to think of you and wait for the day we are together again.
  • My love, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you and every little thing about you! You are so bright and positive that every day is a happy one when I wake up to see your face. I just want to spend forever with you!
  • I love you so much. I don’t say it enough. I wish I could take all your pain away and make your life full of only joy. I would bring you coffee everyday before work, chocolate, flowers and love. You are my little ray of sunshine that warms my cold heart at every chance. Every time we kiss my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute I fall more in love.
  • Someday I will find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me. I hope that I will be able to tell you that I am so deeply in love with you. That every time we are apart from each other my heart beats faster and I miss you like crazy! Every day I thank God for bringing us together and for making it possible to spend my life with the man of my dreams.
  • I would do anything for you! I love you forever and ever, with all of my heart.
  • As a little girl I always dreamed of how wonderful it would be to spend my entire life with someone who loved me completely and unconditionally for all eternity. Now that I have found you I can’t even begin to imagine my life without you. I love the way we fit together, your touch, your smell, everything about you is perfect for me.
  • I love you more than the stars. I love you more than life itself. You have made me a better person, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I hope this day and every day we have together is filled with so much love that we have no space inside for anything else but love. I love you, darling!
  • You are my soulmate, you hold my heart forever. No one will ever touch it again. I always need you next to me. When I’m sad, you make me smile. You are my everything and I love you with all my heart.
  • No matter what, your love brings me happiness beyond belief. You have brought such joy and happiness into my life. I can’t ever thank you enough for all that you have done and will continue to do.
  • You are the most wonderful man I have ever had the pleasure to know. To know that I will share the rest of my life with you gives me a joy like no other. Thank you for loving me, and bringing so much joy to my life.” Holly (your wife)
  • I’ll be the sun that kisses your face each morning, to wake you up with a smile on your face. I’ll give you joy when you are sad. I’ll be the hope you hold when all seems lost in this life.
  • I will never be able to say how much you mean to me. You hold my heart and are my every dream come true. My love for you is infinite and will always grow stronger. You are my true happiness in life and it will always be so. I love you, forever!
  • Your love is what keeps me going each and every day. When I have a bad day my mind wanders to the thought of you, and everything seems to go away. You are my anchor through life, and I feel so lucky to have you as mine. I love you for always!
  • You are one of the greatest blessings in my life. You are always there for me and I love you with all my heart. I will love you with every breath that I take. I will love you forever until the end of time.
  • I love you. I will always love you. There is no end to my love for you, no boundaries to it, no restriction on it. The more I learn about love the more I see how deep love can be. There is no place in the universe that you are not with me.
  • I love you more than I can say. You have become my everything. Thank you for being mine.
  • You are my life, my ray of sunshine and my soul. I will love you forever.
  • I can’t imagine being without you. I love you, that’s all I really know. I love you and want to spend every waking moment with you.
  • I loved you forever and ever before we met, I will love you forever and ever after we part. I will love you forever and ever during the whole of my life.
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You bring me more happiness than I could have ever dreamed of and each day I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I know that we are inseparable and life without you just isn’t possible anymore! I love you forever and ever!
  • I love you so much. Thinking of you makes me melt inside. I am happier with every moment that passes by and even more excited with each new day. My heart beats faster when you walk into the room and my life is made complete with your smile.
  • My love for you grows stronger everyday. Every moment I spend with you is a treasure and I cherish every second. Thank you for being there with me through everything. i love you so much.
  • I don’t know how on earth I got so lucky. There is no one else I would rather be with. For the entirety of my life, you have always been there for me. When my heart was broken, you patched it back together and made sure that in its entirety, it is yours. I love you with all my heart and soul and hope that we will stay together forever.
  • I love you so much, I wish I knew how to tell you. I want to spend forever with you, being together and laughing. I feel my heart beating fast when you are near me, and I am happy just to be with you.
  • You are the sunshine that brightens my day, the music in my heart that plays each night I have you, and the arms that make me feel so safe. I love you more than anything. You are my happiness, my soulmate, and the answer to all of my prayers.

I Promise to Love You Forever Quotes

  • I promise to love you forever. I promise to stay with you in good times and bad, in sickness and health. I promise to love you unconditionally, forever and ever.
  • I promised to love you forever so that is what I will do. I will never let anything tear us apart, not even time.’ ‘I promise to always be there when you need me. I don’t care if it’s three in the morning and we have school the next day because I would rather stay up all night with you than miss a minute with you
  • The first day I saw you was the most beautiful day of my life. The first time a kissed you, I felt in love with you. The first time I heard your voice was forever tattooed on my brain. You are the love of my life and I will never stop caring about you…I promise to love you forever and ever
  • You are my one true love. You make everything that was wrong in my life turn right. With every passing second I fall deeper in love with you. I will be yours always.
  • I don’t know how I got so lucky, to have a man in my life who treats me like the princess that I am, but I promise to never take it for granted. You are my dream come true and I love you more than you will ever know.
  • You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I never thought I would meet someone who could make me feel the way you do. I never thought I was good enough for someone as amazing as you but now I know that I am and have been all along. You have changed my life for the better and there is nothing I can do to thank you. We may fight and we may disagree on things, but in the end no matter how far apart we may be, we will always
  • You might not know how special you are to me, someone so perfect that I would give up just about anything in a heartbeat to have you here with me. In a single moment, you changed my life for the better. I love you with all of my heart.
  • I promise to love you forever. I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn. I promise to love you when we’re old and gray, when the best of our years are behind us, I will still want to be with you. I promise to love you not only for what we have, but for who we are. I promise you this, not just for today, but for all the days of my life.
  • I promise to love you forever…I will have faith in the tenderness of your heart, when on that day there is not one drop of love left in me I will still have enough to give my devotion to you alone.
  • I promise to love you forever, forever and ever, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be… I know this is cheesy but…I really do love you soooo much.
  • You are my everything. I love you to the moon and back. The stars shine so bright when you are around and my heart races uncontrollably every time I think about you. You mean more to me than I can put into words and no one will ever make me happier. My life with you is what I knew it could be and I love spending each day with you by my side.
  • Our love started off as a dream. But now you are more than just a dream come true. You are the love of my life, my world, my everything. If I could keep you forever in my heart I would, for you are the world to me. You make me so happy everyday and I can’t help but smile whenever I am with you. I want to wake up every day for the rest of my life next to your beautiful face!
  • Life is so precious, and I am thankful that I found you. You are my one and only, the love of my life. I promise to be with you forever, to laugh with you always, to love you deeply, and outlive everyone. I will love you until the end of time!
  • I love you more than any word could ever describe. I don’t know when it happened, or how but I look at you and know that I will never get enough of you. I will do whatever it takes to make sure we share the rest of our lives together. No matter where life takes us or what happens, know that my love for you is always constant, even when the days are darkest.

I Promise to Love You Forever Messages

  • I promise to love you forever, to spend each and every day making you feel loved, needed and appreciated. I have loved you with all my heart since the day we met, and I will continue to love you until the end of time. You are the person that my life has always been missing, and I wouldn’t want to be without your love, everyday.
  • I promise to love you forever… i had to say the above mentioned words and mean it, because I’m sure there is no greater love than the one you have for your children. It was a very big decision for me, but I never regretted my choice for a moment. I’m almost certain that each and every one of us has dreamed about being in Love…
  • “I DO” “I” -for the first time you said ever, that your heart belonged to me. “DO”… when i fell for you, it was truly done. you’ll always be my soulmate, and forever will love thee.
  • Your heart is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I cherish every moment I’m in your arms, knowing that you are mine and that I will always be yours as long as you’ll still have me. My love for you grows deeper everyday with an indescribable joy that only you can bring. When I say “I love you” everyday, it comes from the depths of my heart.
  • One day I will make the world stop so that time would stand still, just for us so we can enjoy each others loving embrace… I love you, and I need you in my life. There is nothing that could ever change the way i feel about you.
  • I promise to love you forever and always. You are my one and only, my angel from above. I will honor and cherish you forever, till death do us part.”
  • I promise to love you today, tomorrow, for the rest of my life! I will be by your side in good times and bad. I will be the best husband and father I can be. You make me laugh when times are tough. Your presence is always a comfort into my world. My world! Thank you for choosing me… I promise to love you forever! You are amazing and so much more!
  • I promise to love you always. I never knew what love was, until I met you.
  • I love you, and I always will. I love you more than anything in the world. You are in my heart forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!
  • I love you, I don’t say it enough but I do. You are my everything, my soul mate, my heart and my life. We have been through so very much together and one day we will look back at this time and know that it was for the better.
  • I am so in love with you that all I ever want to do is make you happy. You are my everything. I will always love you!
  • I have to say I’ve never been so surprised in my entire life, the feelings I experience when I’m with you are more than I could have ever predicted. You always make me feel special and love that you bring out the best in me. Since meeting you my eyes have opened to true happiness and I’ve seen what a loving relationship is really like. I will love you forever and always…Always!

I Love You Forever Quotes for Him

  • My love for you will last forever and I will do anything for you. You mean the world to me and I could never thank you enough. I get butterflies just thinking about your arms around me and the amazing things you do. I love you so much!
  • I Love You so much, and when you are away it feels like a part of me is missing. I am so proud to be your girlfriend and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
  • I’ve loved you for so long now I can’t remember not loving you. With each passing day I grow more in love with you. You bring me such joy, and fill my heart with happiness that I don’t know what I’d do without you. You are my soul mate and the most amazing man ever. I want to make you feel the same way! I will always love you no matter what!
  • You’re so cute and funny. You’re sweet and kind and thoughtful. You’re way more than I deserve, but I’m greedy, I want you forever. I love you. (gush! i never thought i be this type…haha)
  • Just the thought of you makes my heart skip a beat. You make me happier than I have ever been, and I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.
  • You are my soulmate. I love you more than words could ever express. I am so glad you came into my life, and gave me the best gift of all – You.
  • I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is a life after that, I’ll love you then.
  • I love you more than anything in this world. I look forward to waking up each morning and seeing your face and falling asleep with you in my arms every night. Every minute that we’re apart is the longest minutes of my life, and the second that we’re together, time seems to stand still. Thanks for giving me your heart!
  • I love you so much and i don’t know what i would do without you. You are my wife and my best friend. I thank god every day for sending you to me!!! I love you babe!!
  • You are my soulmate. You are the one I want to spend forever with. I can’t imagine a life without you in it. You are everything I could ever wish for. You keep me motivated and inspire me every day.
  • I have loved you like no other. You are my world. You made me realize what love is really about, and I am so happy that you came into my life.
  • Each time I look into your eyes, I fall more in love with you. You are my soul mate and the love of my life. Through our ups, downs and everything in between, I truly believe we were meant to be. You couldn’t ask for a better lover, friend or companion than me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally!
  • I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. You are my life, angel. I can’t wait to spend 1001 nights with my best friend, lover and soul mate. I love you!

I Love You Forever Quotes for Her

  • I promise to love you forever, and always with all my heart. I may not be your first kiss, first love, first sight or the best of all of them, but I will be your last: your last kiss, your last love and your last sight. I love you more than words can say or any person can display in a lifetime. I LOVE YOU!
  • I don’t know when I fell in love with you, but I didn’t want to ever fall out again. You are my best friend and my soul mate. You fill me with so much joy and happiness that it makes my heart melt. Just having you in my life is all I need, I could not ask for anything more. I love you more than anything, forever and always!
  • You are my sunshine in my rain storm. You are my calm and peace in my chaos. You are my joy in my sadness. I love you with all that I am and all that I have to give. I promise to always be there for you, to constantly protect you, to give you what our heart desires and above all else- that I will love you until death do us part.
  • I look into your eyes and see me, see everything that I’ve ever wanted, someone to share my life with. You are my soul mate, my only love. I know I can’t live without you and I don’t want to. You are the one for me and forever will be. I love you!
  • I’m so lucky I found you. You bring me so much joy that I can’t contain it! Every time I say ‘I Love You’ to you, it gets easier. It’s a fact that I will never find anyone better than you. Every minute spent with you is the best minute of my life and each second is more precious than the last.
  • I love you, you complete me. I couldn’t live without you. I promise to be by your side forever and always.
  • When I first met you, you were a friend. That was all I wanted. You were so much more than a friend. You became everything to me. You are my heart, my soul and my life.
  • me too, i promise to love you forever”
  • I love you more than you will ever know. I love how you are the most important person in my life, and how I have never felt such happiness before. Your sweet smile makes me melt, your kisses fan the flames of desire inside of me, and your passion ignites a fire within me that burns brighter than the sun. I look forward to forever together with you.
  • Words cannot express how much I love you. I spend every moment of my day thinking about you and smile non-stop. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
  • You my love are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before falling asleep. I’ve never loved anyone or anything more than – you. You are my soul mate, my one true love, my everything. I can never thank God enough for bringing you into my life. I wish there were more words to describe what you mean to me, but all I can say is: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
  • Nothing could make me happier than knowing that I will spend the rest of forever with you. Life would scare me without you, and I feel so lucky to have you as my boyfriend. I love you so much!
  • I have no idea where I would be without you. You are my world and I love you with all my heart, mind, soul and body. You are the most important thing in my life, and always will be. There is nothing more precious to me than you…I love you.
  • You are the best person I know; you always put others before yourself. You are my best friend, partner in crime, soul mate and the love of my life. I promise to always hold you close to my heart. I love you!

 I Will Love You Forever Quotes for Him

  • I will love you forever. No matter how much time passes, how much memories fade, or how my feelings will change in the future. You will always be a part of me and I will always love you.
  • I will love you forever. I will be there when the stars go out, and when your heart whispers thank you. I know my vow was meant for you, and only you!
  • I promise you and me forever. I love you now and always, as long as there is breath in my body. I will kiss your face, hug you tight and never let go until my dying day. I will do anything for you, whether it be washing the dishes or anything else. I will always cherish our love and treat it like gold.
  • Happiness isn’t an easy road to travel, but with your love to keep me going I shall not give up. You are my infinity and forever, the reason for my smile. True Love is a symbol of eternity. And true love never fades away.
  • You are my life, my heart, my soul. I love you beyond words and I can’t wait to spend forever with you. I know that for sure, cause my love for you will never cease.”
  • I fell in love with you the minute that I saw you. Every moment I spend with you is more perfect than the last. I love you so much!
  •  I love you. I will never stop loving you and the thought of losing you hurts so much that it brings me to tears. Knowing that someday your life will end and mine will continue is frightening. Seeing you grow old breaks my heart. In my heart, you are forever young.
  •  A love like ours, 8 years strong, will never die as long as we keep breathing. A love like ours could not have been created if not for destiny. Your smile can give me goosebumps across my body and I don’t know how you do it, but I love it so much! From the first moment I saw you I knew we had a bond ordered by God himself.
  •  I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend. Every time I look into your eyes I see your love for me. You are the most amazing woman I know and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
  •  My love for you has no end, my darling. I will always hold your hand and will stay with you until the end of time and beyond it! I love you, my angel.
  •  My boyfriend is always there for me. I’m so thankful we found each other. He makes me feel like a princess and treats me like his own little girl. Every day I love you more and more, it never stops. There’s no one else in the world I would rather be with.
  •  You are my true love, and have been for years. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you, as I never want to. You are the love of my life, the best man I know, and you make me happier with every passing day. I don’t care if our time together is measured in years or months as every moment we share is magical. You are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face every morning.
  •  You’ve been there with me through the good (mostly) and rough (occasionally) times for the last 19 years and I can’t imagine my life without you. I want to spend every day for the rest of our lives together, with you. You are my best friend. You are the person I love most in this world. Thank you for making each day a joy for me. I love you, more than words can say.”

I Will Love You Forever Quotes for Her

  • I will love you forever, I will like you for always, as long as I am living, My baby you’ll be.
  • I love you today, I will love you tomorrow, and I will love you forever.
  • You are my everything. I love you so much. Everything about you is perfect and I wouldn’t change a thing. You are the only one for me. There could never be anyone to take your place. You complete me in every way possible, body and soul. I love you sweetie, always and forever!
  • “I swear to you the stars are closer now than they were before. I swear to you my heart beats only for you. I will love you forever.”
  • I am so lucky to have you by my side. You are the love of my life; we belong together. I can’t wait to spend forever with you.
  • I have never loved anyone like I love you. I love the way you brighten up my life. I’ll always remember our good times together, our first dates and our first kiss. I cherish each moment we spend together, because when I’m with you time flies by so quickly. You are the one for me and always will be!
  • Your love for me is like nothing I have ever felt. You are my first and last thought when I awake, and the last thing on my mind as I fall asleep. The amount of love that I have in my heart for you is so immense, it’s hard to describe or understand.
  •  When I met you, I found a rare treasure. Realizing that you feel the same way is a miracle to me. My love for you will be everlasting.
  •  Your sweet smile is the most beautiful flower and your laugh is the sweetest song that I could hear. I will always be grateful for you in my life and I will love you forever and ever no matter what.
  •  I wrote this for my wife so you can feel the love flowing through me. I will love you forever.  I will love you more than anyone in the world. You are my everything and have supported me through it all. My love for you grows stronger everyday and I want to write a note to remind you that I will never leave your side and I will love you through the end of time itself, as well as infinity beyond that!
  •  As the sky turns to night, as the stars shine bright, I will love you forever. Just remember that I love you not just in my dreams but also in reality. As long as there are stars in the sky, I will want to stay with you forever. Your love is more than a blessing from heaven and even though everything will come to an end, with your love I can face it all.”
  •  I love you today, I will love you tomorrow and I will love you forever. You are the one who brightens my days and warms my heart. Every time we kiss my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute I fall more in love.
  •  It’s hard to believe that I met you only a year ago. But in that short time, my life has changed dramatically for the better. I know no matter what happens between us, you will always be one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I have so many amazing memories and bright experiences ahead of us…I know for sure that our love can last forever.
  •  You are the most amazing man. And I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you with every beat of my heart and every breath that I take. from now until forever, you will make me smile like you always do. I love you with all my heart and soul.

Love Forever Quotes for Couples

  • You are my one and only always. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything. You have shown me what it means to be true, giving, and caring. This year for Valentines day I wanted to get you something special. So I picked something that is undeniably one of the most valuable things in the world… MY HEART!
  • My love is endless and I can’t wait to show you just how much I adore you. Happy valentine’s day my love.
  • Your love for me is a feeling that never dies, it always stays as strong and true even ten years from now as it is today. The pain in my heart when you are gone makes it impossible to sleep at night. Holding you in my arms is like holding all of heaven in my hands. I know that at this very moment, I love you more than I ever thought I could love another human being. You have changed my life for the better and made me the happiest man alive!
  • Today is the day I declare my Love for you. Words are not enough to tell you how much you mean to me, how everything I do is in hopes of seeing a smile on your face. I fall more in love with you and you alone. You’re my reason to be, my everything. I Love You FOREVER!
  • This is the hardest thing I have ever done. The only way I can show you how much I love you is by doing this. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the most important thing in my life. Thank you for being my best friend and lover. I will always treasure you in my heart as mine for eternity.
  • I love you so much. Every single moment that I’m with you, I always want more. I know we’ll spend the rest of our lives together, and it brings me so much joy. You are everything to me, and my love for you will never end.
  • I am so in love with you. Your smile lights up my whole world; your laugh makes the sun come out on even the rainiest of days. You’ve been there for me through every single tough moment, you help me to believe in myself when I don’t even believe I can myself. You inspire and motivate me each day to be a better man for you because I want to give you everything.
  • I love you more than words can say. Every day I find new reasons to fall in love with you all over again. You are my heart, you are my world, you are my forever.
  • I love you more than words can say. You’re so awesome and your smile can make all my troubles fade away. You are definitely the one I have been looking for.
  • Our love isn’t something you say, it is something you live. Every day I love you more and more. You are my dream come true and I can’t wait to grow old with you.
  • You were there for me in my darkest hour, you held me through my tears, you always wanted to see me smile. You never gave up on me even when I had. You were my light in the darkness and I will never forget that. Thank you for showing me how much love can conquer anything. When I first met you, I never thought I would end up with someone as loving and thoughtful as you. It’s not over till it’s over.
  • You are the sweetest person in the world. Your smile makes me happy, your laugh amuses me, and your love warms me through to my soul. I feel myself falling for you deeper and deeper every day, my love. You are my heart.
  • I just wanted to say I love you. You mean so much to me, and I know my life would be a lot darker without you. As each day passes I fall more in love with you. You’re my soul mate, my best friend, and the male half of me.
  • You are my all, my everything, and my reason for being here. I will be there for you and do everything in my power to show you how much I love you!


No matter how long you’ve been together, or how far apart you may be, these I Love You Forever and Ever quotes and messages for him or her will remind you both of how much you mean to each other. Whether you’re looking for a sweet way to say “I Love You” or simply want to send a reminder that your love is eternal, these quotes are perfect for showing your loved one just how much they mean to you.
