I Still Remember the First Day We Met Quotes & Messages

Thinking of them on a rainy afternoon? Why not tell them how you are feeling and all the things that you are remembering about your relationship. That ought to brighten their day up. To help you word it as well as possible, here are some I still remember the first day we met quotes & messages. This will definitely help you tell them how you feel and all the good things you remember about your relationship. Add some exclusive highlights from your end and make the most customized message they will love to receive!

I Still Remember the First Day We Met Quotes & Messages

  • I still remember the first day we met. I was nervous non-stop the whole time, and completely out of my element. You were so nice to me, and made me feel like you would be a friend for life…and here we are, more than a decade later.
  • I remember the first day we met, I was so scared to talk to you. My heart was racing and I thought you were the most amazing guy that I have ever seen. And then your smile hit me like a brick wall! It has been 1 year and 6 months since we met. I still think about that day all the time. We have shared so many good times together that I can’t imagine my life without you. There is no one who could compare to you in any
  • I still remember the first day we met……..I was scared to talk, I just couldn’t say a word.
  • I still remember the first day we met. We were both a little nervous, but when you took my hand, everything felt right. You turned and said “Hi, I’m Chris”.
  • Ryan, I miss you terribly. You weren’t just my boyfriend; you were my best friend. I miss studying at the library with you after class, going to Starbucks and talking for hours and hours about nothing or everything. I miss your laugh and the way you would smile when you listened to a song you loved. I will never forget the first day we met. From that moment on, I knew something was different than any other relationship before it. Thank you for making such an impact
  • It was a simple introduction, but our eyes met and the sparks flew. I knew that first day that life as I knew it had changed forever. There was no avoiding my fate and there was no turning back. I love you so much that sometimes it hurts and I never want to let you go. The day we met will be burned into my mind for all eternity, and tomorrow will be no different.
  • How do I put into words what you mean to me? Every single day, every hour of the day you are all I think about. Just knowing that when I open my eyes, there is a chance that I will be able to see you makes my heart race just a little bit faster. The love and appreciation I have for you is far beyond comprehension. Every word in my dictionary is not enough to express how much I love you.
  • I remember the first day we met I didn’t know how much you would mean to me. I was extremely shy and quiet and you were outgoing and funny. Our friendship just grew and grew. When you held my hand it gave me butterflies like I had never felt before. You always knew what to say to make me feel better, you took my breath away. You made me feel special, you showed me that life can be fun and exciting again. Our first kiss changed my life forever
  • I remember the first time we met, I think you were wearing a red shirt. You were selling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches outside of my friend’s apartment. I also remember when I decided to sneak out of work for lunch just so I could see you. You held my hand and brought me on a journey that forever changed my life. Thank you for always being my rock, my everything and for loving me the way you do.
  • You’ve touched my heart in ways that one could only dream of. You’ve shown me things I never imagined to be possible. Things we’ve done together have brought me more joy than I could possibly put into words. I love you more than the stars & the moon, more than anything!
  • I love you, nothing more, nothing less. I’m so excited to spend another year with you and to get to see our lives change even more. I enjoy waking up next to the most gorgeous woman in the world everyday. Every time I look into your eyes they never fail to remind me of how lucky I am to have you.
  • You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!
  • Just wanted you to know how much I love you. You are my best friend and the one I would do anything for. I will never stop loving you no matter what happens in the future.
  • I still remember the first day we met quotes. It was the gig at Elixir! These gigs aren’t so bad… You are always there, and I think you, Liv, will last longer than our band.
  • I still remember the first day we met, like it was yesterday. The way your gentle eyes looked into mine and told me that I should talk to you. The words you said and the feelings you had, they left an impression on my heart forever. Love is always magical, but our love is more than a fairytale. You are my very best friend in the world, the air that I breathe, my heartbeat and soul. I could never imagine not having you in my life. I
  • I still remember the first day we met, I really hoped that you would be the one for me. You’re my perfect match, we are a diamond in the rough, and I love how our love is real.
  • I still remember the first day we met. Your smile was as bright as the sun, and so infectious that I couldn’t resist smiling back. Each day, it was an absolute joy to see you smile back at me. I still love you, my love. You make my life very special!
  • I still remember the first day we met, I was so nervous. I couldn’t even look you in the eye for more than a split second. You had me smiling and laughing before you even said a word. I was speechless at how kind you were to someone you had never met. Your warmth made my heart flutter from across the room.
  • I still remember the first day we met, you were standing by the dance floor of the club with your friends. You were so cute and shy and wore a cropped which was so sexy. I came to the club to dance with my friend but little did she know that I found someone I wanted to dance with all night long…
  • You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You have made my life complete. I know we have a long road ahead, but know this. My love for you is unending. No matter how many miles lie between us, my heart will still belong to you and only you. I promise to always be there for you when you need it most, to smile at your silly jokes and laugh with you in your good times. I promise that no matter what lies before us I will never leave us.

I Still Remember the First Day I Met Quotes

  • I still remember the first day I met you, although in my heart I knew from the very start. The day we started our journey, a journey that’s taken us far and lead us to where we are today. I can only thank those who came before me and inspired me to tell you this on the day we met.
  • I will always remember the first day we met. The way you walked right up to me without hesitation. You were so charming and friendly, and I could already tell we would be great friends. Thank you for being that friend when I needed one most in life, and for being the amazing man who holds my heart now.”
  • I’ll never forget the first day we met. I could tell that day that I was going to fall in love with you. You were so sweet and charming and funny. I knew there wasn’t anyone else for me. I love you.
  • I will never forget the first time I saw you. I had never seen anyone more gorgeous in my entire life. That very first moment our eyes met it was like time stopped and nothing else mattered. I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel complete when we are together. Because of you my heart is whole again; you showed me love can be real and alive again. Thank you for coming into my life and making it a better place to be.
  • I’ll never forget that day in the rain. We were both so nervous but you smiled and I was hooked. I don’t ever want to forget that smile again because it is the one thing that kept me going. I love you with all my heart and soul, no matter what happens next, no matter what happens first, I will always have something to look forward to because of YOU!
  • You are the keeper of my heart. You can hold it and do with it as you please, because it will be safe in your arms. It’s only fitting that the beginning of our love story is where our love continues…together.
  • I remember when I was afraid to tell you my feelings, I remember when we were only friends and the day that changed. I remember how happy and excited I was when I heard your beautiful voice on the other end of the phone call. You are my best friend, my everything!
  • I still remember the first day I met you, it was one of the best days of my life. I was on such a high that day- I felt so alive and loved. Since then we’ve been through so much together, both good and bad. But through every struggle we’ve learned to rely on each other more and more, and have grown closer in the process.
  • I still remember the first day we met. I did not think I was going to fall in love with you so completely. I will never forget our first date, you took me out for flowers, and a fun time at the movies where we shared our first kiss. You helped me find myself again. For that, I will always be grateful!
  • I remember the first day I laid my eyes on you. I will never forget it as long as I live. It was like my whole world changed in the blink of an eye. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. I knew that day that you were the one for me and never wanted anyone else after that.
  • When i look back on the years that we’ve been together, I remember all the tears, all the laughter and all the times in between. You changed and molded me into a person that I wanted to be, you showed me mistakes without judgement but with acceptance. You have taught me how to love myself, and how to love again. Your eyes are like heaven and your smile lights up my soul. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me how to love again.
  • I remember the first time I saw you. I had never been so mesmerized. There was something about you, your eyes, your smile. All my worries just melted and suddenly I couldn’t wait to hold you near. You made me see things in a different light, and without you I feel like something is missing.
  • Life is wonderful, beautiful because of you. When I look into your eyes I see the love and passion that exists in you, as you gaze into mine I see a forever future. I feel our love growing everyday and every night when we fall asleep in each others arms, i am so grateful for the life that we share together.
  • I remember when I first saw you. It took my breath away. I knew by the way you looked at me that you felt the same. You are perfect just the way you are, and it feels like we’ve been together forever. You are my one true love, and I will love you always.
  • I cannot recall the first day I met you but, I know that the day we kissed was just as memorable. My head was spinning and my heart melted. I had butterflies in my stomach from that moment on. You are everything to me and without you life would be empty of magic. Those late night talks have always brightened my day, I love to hear your voice. Even when our days were rough it didn’t diminish my devotion for you. You and I were meant to be.
  • I still remember the first day we met. I took one look at you and your beautiful face and knew that you were the one for me. After a few days of talking to you, I knew I wanted to spend forever with you. I love you so much and can’t wait to see what our future holds!
  • I remember the first day we met like it was yesterday. You looked at me with those big brown eyes and melted my heart away. I fell in love right than and there, and do every moment we are apart. I guess you could say that I’m happy you remember the day as much as I do.
  • Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. You were my best friend, my soulmate and my one true love. You were everything to me. There will never be another you, and now that you’re gone I don’t know how to go on. As soon as you left this world, the light in it did too. I will always remember all the good times we had together.
  • I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember being nervous and shy, but also so excited that you were there. I remember your eyes, your smile, your laugh and how amazing it felt to be next to you. We only had moments before I had to go, but they were enough to know that there was something special about you.
  • I’m glad we met, because I found the love of my life, and you make me so happy. There will never be a day that I don’t think about you.

When I First Met You Friendship Quotes

  • I remember our first day together. I will never forget your face as I was walking down the hallway at school. It stills plays through my head everyday when we’re not together. I keep you close to my heart and love you more than you know.’
  • I still remember the first day we met. We were barely aware of each others presence and then I noticed that you were wearing my favorite color, so i had to say hi. Now I look forward to each day because I know we will talk to each other and spend time together. Special times with special friends are the ones that last just like us, they’re the ones with true meaning. – Author Anonymous
  • I remember the first day I saw you, my heart skipped a beat. I remember the first day we talked on the phone, I knew it was love.
  • As we reach the end of this year, I look back on our love and the memories we’ve created. Where we first met each other, when we walked down the aisle and said “I Do,” the night you proposed to me, those early morning conversations when my heart felt full just looking at you, that first kiss. It makes me smile to think about all of these wonderful moments we’ve shared together.
  • We have come so far since we first met, both growing as individuals and together as a couple. And I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. I love you.
  • I remember the first day we met. I remember it like it was yesterday, because I’ve never forgotten you. You were the only person I could talk to at that time, and when we hugged I knew that you were my new best friend. I thank God every day for bringing us together.
  • We’ve grown so much together since we met. We have our differences and our ups & downs, but at the end of the day I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I cherish every moment that we spend together and I look forward to growing with you in the years ahead.
  • It was the day I first met you, that I knew life would never be the same. I had never met anyone like you before. It was so amazing to feel my heart beating so fast, and to know that it was really yours. I am so in love with you!
  • The day I met you was the best day of my life.
  • I remember the day we met. I remember how you looked, your movements, and even your smell. I so vividly remember us walking hand in hand through the rain. The simple touch of our hands as it linked together felt so magical and pure that my heart still swells with warmth at the thought.
  • Thinking of you filled my heart with so much joy. It’s amazing how grateful I am to have you in my life. I can’t stop thinking about all the fun times we have together, all the amazing memories that we will forever cherish and all the love that you bring into my life. You are one of a kind and I feel so lucky to have found you.
  • I still remember the first day we met. It was a cold winter morning, and the sun was just peeking above the horizon. I froze my hands off, but it was so worth it when you smiled at me across the library.
  • Remembering that one day, The day we first met, You made me smile all the time Because of your sweet words.
  • I had a crush on you the first day we met, but I kept my feelings in and waited to see if you felt the same. The months went by and you didn’t show interest. But when we started to talk, I knew something was up. You were making an effort and I had to admit that I had a crush on you.
  • You are my best friend and my soul mate, the one person who completes me. I love every moment I spend with you, even the difficult ones that make us stronger. One day we will have the life we’ve always imagined.
  • I love you more every day, whether that be the starry skies above, or the ocean that stretches beyond my view. From the moment that we first touched, our lives were entangled forever. It took me a while to realize it, but I will never let go.
  • I remember the first day we spoke. I was shocked at how you didn’t seem to care that I was so much younger than you. You are ever so thoughtful and understanding of the things going on in my life. You always tell me what I need to hear even if it is not what I want to hear. You are such a good friend.

First Time We Met Anniversary Quotes

  • Hi honey! I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. Our first anniversary has come and it seems like only yesterday that I met you. You’re a wonderful husband and the best father any child could ever have. You are my soulmate and I LOVE YOU so much! Happy anniversary!
  • I never thought I could fall in love with anyone like I did with you. You’re the love of my life, my soul mate, my best friend. Happy Anniversary! I know it’s cheesy but every time I look into your eyes I fell even more in love with you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and my heart only belongs to you.
  • My love. It took us years to find each other, but now that we are together, I can’t think of a moment where I wouldn’t want you by my side. I love you more than life itself! know that your love is all I need.
  • The days, the weeks, the months, the year have run on and on. We have shared so much together in just six months and I want you to know that all of my thoughts of you are positive. You make me so happy!
  • My love for you is infinite. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my world, my heart, and my soulmate.
  • Dear Danielle, Our first meeting was far from romantic. We were thrown together under some pretty awkward circumstances! I prayed that some day you would feel the same way about me as I do for you. It took some time but please know that every smile and wink is a silent wish that we could be together for the rest of our lives. I love you Danielle.
  • I feel something inside of me, far more powerful than the love I feel for you. Whenever I think about you my heart just swells with happiness and I get an uncontrollable smile on my face. I can’t explain how much I love you because no words can describe it. Just know that you are my one true love and that no princess in a fairy tale has ever been so happy to have found her prince charming.
  • I can’t believe it has been a year since we first met! You make me feel so amazing! I am glad that you are in my life and I am blessed to have you. I love you!
  • We first met 10 years ago and the moment I laid eyes on you is one of the greatest memories I will always cherish. You’ve changed my life in countless ways and I love you so much for it. I love you with all my heart and soul, all that I have to give, every second, of every day for the rest of my life.
  • It’s been a year since I saw you for the very first time, and things have only gotten better. I love you more and more every day, and can’t wait to see what the future brings us. You are my life now, my everything.
  • How could I have ever thought that I would be complete without you. What was I thinking? You are everything to me and there is nothing that I would rather do than spend time with you. You bring so much joy into my life, in every moment we are together I feel like there is no better place to be.
  • I’ve never believed in the words “love at first sight” until I met you. My life would be so dim without your love. You are my heart, my soul and everything I could have ever wanted and more. I don’t know how you do it, but you manage to make every day with me seem brighter than it has ever been.
  • It’s been a year since I first saw you, the moment I fell in love with you. As the days have passed I have come to know your lovely personality, charming smile and sparkling eyes. Every day my love for you grows more and more, and I can’t image what life would be like without you.
  • I fell for you the first time I saw you, but only because you didn’t see me. I could tell by your demeanor that you were shy and would run away if I got near. So I made a plan to get close enough to introduce myself. That night was amazing and you made me feel like a king. Now 1000 days later you’re still with me.

The Day We Met Quotes

  • My life changed the day we met. I am so happy we found each other. Life is becoming so beautiful because of you. Thank you for giving me the best life could have to offer.
  • It’s been four years and I still can’t believe we are together. You really are the love of my life. We have so much fun together, and you give me butterflies just by being in the same room as me. I love you always and forever. You are one of a kind and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such a wonderful man by my side.
  • I never thought it was possible to feel like this. You complete me more than you will ever know. I love you more than anything, and am so glad we found each other. You are my soulmate, my angel sent from heaven. I love you.
  • I have known you for two months now. I think that the length of time isn’t very relevant! When we met, I knew you were going to be someone special in my life. You’re so kind and funny, and we got along from the start. I can’t believe how well we fit together. When I am with you, it feels like all my dreams are coming true!♥ I want to do everything with you and talk to you every day.
  • I’d never say I love you if I didn’t mean it. I truly do love you. It’s amazing what people mean to each other as they go through life, how important they become to them. Our relationship is so special and has been a part of my life for so long I can’t think of life without you in it.
  • I’m such a lucky man. I can’t believe that you chose me to be with. You are so amazing and you bring light into my life every day. I love you, baby!
  • I love you with all my heart. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You make me laugh and always know just what to say. I am so lucky to have you, and I will love you forever!
  •  How lucky I am to have you as my love. The day we met will forever be one of the best days of my life and since then everyday has been even better than the one before. You give me a deep need for someone that completes me and shows me a happiness I’ve never known. I love you so much!
  •  I can’t think of a better word to describe you than amazing. You stole my heart the day we met and I thought you would never notice me. We have been through hell and high water – but through it all, we’ve always stuck together like glue. I love you!
  •  On the first day of class, my heart skipped a beat. I found myself fixated on you from the very beginning and each day that followed. You captivated me like no one I’d ever known, and I knew you must be mine. Your sweetness and energy was so infectious, it literally made me smile from ear to ear. It was both our senior year in high school and our instant connection drew us together like magnets. A friendship first, love soon followed.
  •  I love you. I knew the day I met you that you were the one I wanted to spend my life with. You are the most beautiful person, inside and out. You make me happier than words could ever express. I want to be with you, and only you, forever.
  •  You are the biggest blessing in my life. Thank you for giving me your love, your time, and your heart. I love you more than you will ever know.
  •  I love you and I will never stop loving you. As long as we have each other we can get through anything. I don’t want to live without you. You mean more than the world to me.
  •  Hello, love of my life. I cannot believe this beautiful day has finally arrived. Today marks the start of the rest of our lives together. This is just the beginning of something amazing, and I can’t wait to see where it takes us.

One Year Ago Today Was the First Time We Met Quotes

  • It’s hard to believe that a year ago today we met for the very first time. It was like something out of a dream, so perfect, so amazing and so real. The universe truly brought us together for a reason, to show each other just how much we could bring joy and love into each others life. You are my best friend, my soulmate and the love of my life. I miss you more than words could ever express!
  • It was one year ago today when I finally got to meet you! It was love at first sight. You walked in the room and my heart fluttered. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you for even a second. I had never been happier than when you finally told me that we would be together forever. I am so happy that we found each other, and will continue our love for as long as we are on this earth. I LOVE YOU!
  • Today is a noteworthy day. Today was the first time I met the love of my life. I was so nervous, but you made me feel like I was worth so much more than just looking at. The passion and excitement you had for me made me see that there was light at the end of my tunnel, even if it seemed dark. Three years later, I see that there is nothing better and no one more special than you.
  • I loved you from the moment I saw you. I think I was scared to go after what I wanted most in life, but you came around and gave me a taste of my own medicine. That night we met, I knew no one else would ever be able to compare. Happy first anniversary!
  • I love you with all my heart. I can’t believe we haven’t known each other for years and now here we are and you are more than I could have ever dreamed of.
  • When I first saw you, I knew I found something special. Although we were complete strangers, you made me feel things I’ve never felt before. You made me feel important and loved. From that day forward my life would never be the same. Looking back on that day, I’m so glad I met you, because now my life is better and happier then what it ever was before.
  • We met on a special day and it changed our lives. I feel like the luckiest girl on earth to have found you. You are amazing and I love you more than ever.
  • A year ago today I met an amazing girl. We set out to meet new people today at a random party, and we made each other laugh, and got along so well. Every moment since then has been an adventure with you. Before I knew it I was head-over-heels in love with you. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. You really are my every dream come true.
  • I can still remember the first time we met. I felt like a lost spirit and you were my salvation. Losing you would be like losing myself and I know that is an impossible thought.
  • We met on this date one year ago. I remember thinking you were cute and that we should exchange phone numbers. When we did, and started texting, I knew right then I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Now only one year later, I couldn’t be happier that you are my wife! I love you so much!
  • …I remember every detail about that first meeting. I can recall the look in your eyes, the scent of your hair, and how you smelled like strawberries… Those first few moments we spent together were electric in nature, and I remember thinking to myself at that moment in time…”This is it, this is what love feels like”. It was the strangest feeling I had ever come across. A feeling of overwhelming happiness and completeness.
  • You showed me life can be fun, you’re very adventurous and spontaneous. You made me believe in love again at a time when I didn’t think it was possible. I never thought anyone would ever be able to see past my flaws the way you do. You bring out the best in me and I really value our relationship more than anything else.
  • It seems absolutely impossible that you could love me this much after only one day, but I will never doubt it again. I promise to spend the rest of my life making you smile and showing you how amazing our future will be. Happy anniversary, baby!
  • My love for you is so strong that I can’t even stand the thought of going on with my life without you in it. I want to share my ups, my downs, and everything in between with you.

First Meet Love Message

  • I have only just met you, but I already love you. I can’t tell if its love at first sight or fate that has led me to you, but I’m glad it did. Upon meeting my eyes laid upon you, as a smile grew from ear to ear. I hope our love that we have begun will be one that lasts and endures for many years and days.
  • I was happy the day I first met you. For my days of sorrow, you have changed to days of joy. My life has meaning because I know you. All I can say now is that, ‘happiness’ is a word before I met you but ‘love’ comes after meeting you. You are the love of my life.
  • I remember when I first saw you, I was enchanted by your beauty. Our eyes met and I was immediately lost in the feelings you stirred within me. That night I knew, my long search for love has finally ended. Everything else became insignificant compared to the joy of being with you.
  • I never thought that I would fall in love with someone of your faith. You are the light of my life, and I love sharing everything with you. I never knew there could be so much love in the world until I met you. know you make me feel so special and happy. I promise to always treat you right and cherish every moment I have with you. I am truly blessed to be able to spend all my time with you, for that is where my true happiness lies.
  • We met and I knew the first time we kissed that our journey together had only just begun. I am so happy we have found one another.
  • There are many ways to say I love you, but only one way to express my heart. I’ve never felt like this before in my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and the most special person in my world. I know you feel like we have so much more time, but please know that you will be with me for a lifetime.
  • Hello, my love! I was so delighted to see you in the subway last night, even though it took me a while to recognize you. But when I did I knew that we were meant to be together. Sometimes I still cry for no reason but you are always there to wipe them away and make me smile again. Thanks for being with me through everything and never giving up hope, because I love you and I think we can do anything together!
  • You’re everything I would have ever wished for, and more. I am so thankful for the love you’ve shown me over the years. Each day with you is better than the last. We were meant to be together–our love spans time and space, and there is no one else on Earth I would rather share it with.
  • Once upon a time I saw you and was captivated by you. My heart skipped a beat and my knees shook. I knew that someday you would be mine! Now, we are together and I will love you forever!
  • You have a way of making me feel like nobody else can. From the smile on my face when I see you, to the butterflies that rush through my body when we’re close, to the feeling of complete satisfaction and joy I get when I know you’re with me, I am so in love with you and so happy to have you in my life.
  • I can’t thank you enough for coming into my life. I know we just met, but I am falling more in love with you every day. You are thoughtful, kind and the most amazing man that has ever walked this earth! I can’t wait to see where our friendship will take us.
  •  I remember the first time I saw you. My heart skipped a beat when I looked into those gorgeous eyes and my breath got caught in my throat. I knew right then that you were the one for me. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I love you more than life itself!
  •  We met on a cold January night, the chill in the air and the snow falling down. We were both with our friends, not expecting to meet that evening. We quickly found out we had many things in common, and as time went on we couldn’t get enough of each other. We had our first date during the next Spring and have been together ever since. I feel so lucky to have met you and can’t wait for our future together!
  •  You are the kindest most beautiful person I have ever met. I hope you realize how lucky you are to have found me. You make my life exciting and all my dreams come true. I love you, baby!
  •  I didn’t know you yet, or how important you would become in my life when I first saw you. It was at a party, and you were with your friends…I had never seen eyes so beautiful before, and I didn’t even know if you were single! But by the end of that night, I knew I wanted to get to know you better. My heart skipped a beat when we talked, and every second spent with me is special.
  •  From the moment I laid eyes on you I’ve fallen in love with you. I haven’t showered, eaten or done much of anything other than think about you. You are all that enters my mind at random times throughout the day causing me to get distracted and lose focus on what I’m doing. From now on, you will be my only focus and the only thing I will look forward to is every moment that we get together.
  •  Hey, you are really a nice girl and I like you alot . I’m open minded guy and very responsible also. I hope that we can be good friends for long period of time. I will wait your email soon. God bless you.
  •  We met that day… I looked into your eyes and suddenly knew our life would be forever intertwined with one another. It was a light-hearted conversation… And yet for some reason I knew that you were the person God had created just for me. Although we parted ways after only a brief time together, the joy you brought to my life that day has never left. Even from miles apart, I cherish the memory of our first meeting.


Thinking about them, you cannot help but ponder about the time you guys first met. It is very special and a memory etched in your brains for all times. We wish you all the best and hope you find the best I still remember the first day we met quotes & messages from the list shared above. Do remember to add your own touch to it. They will be very happy to hear you out!

Best of luck!
